SIM Details : Operator name, SIM Status, SIM IMSI, Roaming Information, Mobile Data Status, Country ISO.
Network Info: Network Provider, Network Type 2G, 3G, LTE Etc, Operator ID, Data State.
Device Details: IMEI Number, Device Type GSM/CDMA, Model Name, Manufacturer, Brand, Hardware Info.
Operating System Info: OS Name like Jellybean, Kit Kat, SDK Version, Android Version, Binary Type
* Updated with latest 7XXX and 8XXX Series
* Includes Videocon numbers, Landline Numbers and Tollfree Numbers
* No Internet connection required, Works offline as well.
* Locate phone number area and state.
* Shows Caller Information during the call.
* STD Code of all Cities in India
* ISD Codes of all Countries in world.
Smart Call Logs: Call logs with fine detail of every call like Location of call, SIM service service provider name etc.
Smart Contacts: Contacts with detail like Geographical area of Service Provider, Location etc.
设备详细信息:的IMEI号码,设备类型GSM / CDMA,型号,生产厂家,品牌,硬件信息。
* 的更新与最新的7XXX和8XXX系列
* 的包括Videocon的号码,座机号码和Tollfree号
* 查找电话号码区和状态。
* 显示通话期间来电信息。
* 的STD在印度所有城市的代码
*在世界各国的 ISD代码。